Q1. How many days did Jonah spend inside of the large fish? A1. Three days and three nights.
Q2. Who were the other two prophets that did ministry at about the same time as Jonah? A2. Amos and Hosea.
Q3. Why was the plant significant in the Book of Jonah? A3. Because the Jonah's reaction towards the plant is a metaphor for people in Nineveh, who do not know what is right or wrong.
1. Why Jonah ran away from the LOAD and headed for Tarshish? Answer: The LOAD wants him to go to Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before the LOAD. (Jonah 1:2)
2. What did the LORD do after the sailors took Jonah and threw him overboard? Answer: The LOAD provided a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was inside the fish three days and three nights. (Jonah 1:17)
3. What means of “cannot tell their right hand from their left”? Answer: That means the people cannot explain right and wrong. (Jonah 4:11)
為適應傳達神諭的特定內容需要,"先知文學"都以啟示體裁寫成。在表現手法上,"先知文學"常用異象、寓言故事和象徵來深入淺出地闡明奧妙的道理。比較常見的文體有詩文相間的特色,敘事、描寫時用一般散文體,抒情、議論時轉而為詩。其中,Book of Joel (約珥書), Book of Obadiah (俄巴底亞書), Book of Nahum (那鴻書)等某些卷籍完全是詩體。同時,由於各書的寫作時間不同,在結構上往往缺乏連貫性。
5 則留言:
Q1:Who sent a grent wind on the sea ,and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up?
Answer:The LARD. Jonah 1:4
Q2:What is Jonah country?
Answer:Hebrew. Jonah 1:9
Q3:How many people are there in Nineveh ?
Answer:Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people.
Jonah 4:11
Q1. How many days did Jonah spend inside of the large fish?
A1. Three days and three nights.
Q2. Who were the other two prophets that did ministry at about the same time as Jonah?
A2. Amos and Hosea.
Q3. Why was the plant significant in the Book of Jonah?
A3. Because the Jonah's reaction towards the plant is a metaphor for people in Nineveh, who do not know what is right or wrong.
The word of the Lord came to Jonah. “Go to the great city of _____ and preach against it, because its ________ has come up before me. ”
Jonah went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from _______.
God provided a great _____ to swallow Jonah.
Answer: Nineveh, wickedness, the Lord, fish
1. Why Jonah ran away from the LOAD and headed for Tarshish?
Answer: The LOAD wants him to go to Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before the LOAD. (Jonah 1:2)
2. What did the LORD do after the sailors took Jonah and threw him overboard?
Answer: The LOAD provided a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was inside the fish three days and three nights. (Jonah 1:17)
3. What means of “cannot tell their right hand from their left”?
Answer: That means the people cannot explain right and wrong. (Jonah 4:11)
發怒合理乎!? 約拿受用蓖麻的好處,遮止了身心因無法控制的外境而產生的痛苦,卻體會到痛苦與快樂,都只能任由神來安排。因此,他真的很懊惱!!!
有憐憫的!? 文本裡面,耶和華透過強迫的手段,控制約拿去尼尼微大城宣佈祂的恐嚇。最後一章,作者比較了耶和華跟約拿,對於無知者的態度,強調耶和華是有憐憫的。但透過死亡威脅,而使毫無抵抗能力的無知者改變他們的行為,有點極端。
James Lai