Genesis Chp. 38
Judah recognized them and said, "She is more righteous than I, since I wouldn't give her to my son Shelah." And he did not sleep with her again. (Ge. 38:26)
猶大承認說、他比我更有義、因為我沒有將他給我的兒子示拉.從此猶大不再與他同寢了。(創 卅八章廿六節)
2 則留言:
1 Who is Tamar's husband?
Ans: Er (the first son of Judah)
2 What stuff did Tamar ask from Judah as a pledge?
Ans: "Your seal and its cord ,and
the staff in your hand,"
she answered. (Gen.38:18)
3 What does Perez and Zerah mean?
Ans: Perez means breaking out
Zerah can mean scarlet or
Q1. What is the term that derives from Onan's action of "spilling his seeds on the ground"? And why did he do so?
A1. Onanism, because Onan knew even if Tamar was made pregnant by him, their offspring would belong under his brother Er's name.
Q2. Who are the children of Judah and Tamar?
A2. Perez and Zarah.
Q3. What did Tamar ask Judah as security towards his payment when she was dressing up as a prostitute?
A3. Judah's staff and seal.