(Apacrypha/Deuterocanonical) Daniel: Chp. 13
(天主經) 達尼爾(但以理)書第十三章
Are ye such fools, ye sons ofIsrael, that without examination orknowledge of the truth ye havecondemned a daughter of Israel? (Dn. 13:48)
以色列子民!你們怎麼這樣糊塗﹖未經審問,不查實情,就定一個以色列女子的罪案嗎﹖(達 第十三章第四十八節)
以色列子民!你們怎麼這樣糊塗﹖未經審問,不查實情,就定一個以色列女子的罪案嗎﹖(達 第十三章第四十八節)
2 則留言:
Q1: Who wanted to seduce Susanna and threatened her?
A: They were two elders from Babylon. Also, they were the judges of the people.
Q2: What was Susanna's decision to the threat?
A: She said: "It is better for me to fall into your hands, and not do it, than to sin in the sight of God."
Q3: Who saved Susanna and put the elders to death? How?
A: God raised up the holy spirit of a young youth whose name was Daniel. He examined the two elders by questioning them separately and found out they were lying. One elder said Susanna was companying with a young man under a mastick tree, but the other said it was a holm tree where they had an affair.
Q1:How did Daniel examine two wicked elders?
Answer: Daniel put them asunder one from another and examine one at a time.
Q2:How did the perverted elders threaten Susanna for lieing with them?
Answer:Elders said to Susanna, If thou wilf not, we will bear witness against thee, that a young man was with thee: and therefore thou didst send away thy maid from thee.
Q3:How did Susanna look?
Answer: Susanaa was a very delicate woman, and beauteous to behold.